Sports Fans and Tattoos, Where True Idiocy Reigns Supreme
By Tim Ryan

On Wednesday night, ESPN’s Darren Rovell was taking sports-related tattoo submissions on Twitter. After being treated to several scorching abominations, it was clear a spirited celebration was in order. Below are the highlights.
A sleeve tattoo dedicated to the New York Mets featuring the always endearing Mr. Met, subway tracks, an airplane, and an ominously dark sky? While incredibly stupid, it certainly has the proper feel. Plenty of people loathe Boston sports, but few go to the trouble of permanently inscribing the hate onto their own flesh. The bonus here is of course incorporating the logos of this man’s favorites teams into the biting statement, along with the random basketball player jogging across his chest, though asking us to view the basketball as the “O” and completely disregard the Lakers “L” is beyond presumptuous. As you know, Baltimore has two bird-related teams. As you can see, those two birds have joined forces on this guy’s shoulder underneath an outrageously clever play on words. The Ravens and Oriole colors getting an equal share of the two is a heartwarming touch.
Ray Lewis screaming from what looks like either Helms Deep or the seventh circle of hell while a serious Ray Lewis head emerges from his stomach? Sign me up. The Giants tattoo isn’t all that shocking, but I find it fascninating that someone actually walked into a tattoo parlor and said something along the lines of, “give me the New York Giants logo and make it look like it’s cracking my arm.” And yeah, I like Kirk Gibson too, but buy a framed photo of the guy or treat yourself to a Starting Lineup doll. That’s your arm, dude.
Amid this unfortunate Eagles collage on some dude’s back is kicker David Akers. As the age old expression goes, if you have an NFL kicker tattooed onto your body, kick yourself into an unforgiving volcano. My favorite part though might be the phantom hand snapping the ball into his spine. Our last one ties in all the major Philadelphia franchises, with the Eagles appropriately serving as the centerpiece, the Flyers as the muscle, and the Sixers as simply a ball. The whole thing is incredibly tacky and completely over the top, the perfect summation of your typical Phlidelphia sports fan.
[via @DarrenRovell]
Previously: Amar’e Stoudemire Has An Awesome N.W.A. Tattoo
Previously: Alabama Fan Got Charming “Sons of Saban” Tattoo