Steph Curry Might Just Have to Cut the Wi-Fi to Keep His Wife from Tweeting
By Tully Corcoran

NBA MVP Stephen Curry’s wife, Ayesha, has made a spectacle of herself during these NBA Finals, calling out Lebron James and accusing the NBA and/or ABC of rigging Game 6 for money or ratings (she wasn’t sure which).
And while this all appears to be the behavior of somebody angling for a reality TV gig, there is a more pressing matter in the Curry household, which is Game 7 tonight. So Steph might just off his wife from the Internet.
"There is nothing really that’s going to distract me from what’s happening on the court,” Curry said. “Yeah, I get asked about it, and what’s between me and Ayesha is — the conversations about what happened, that’s gonna be handled. But other than that, that doesn’t take any spotlight off of what my job is on the floor and what these next 48 minutes are going to be like in Game 7. So that’s kind of all I’m worried about. “I might have to cut the Wi-Fi off at my house, though.”"
Presumably, Ayesha is planning to attend Game 7, meaning an unplugged router at the Curry residence won’t do a thing to curb Ayesha’s tweeting tonight.
Of note: Since Ayesha called out James for his “taking the high road” comments between Games 4 and 5, James has 82 points, 24 rebounds, 18 assists and seven steals.