Stephen A. Smith Takes Max Kellerman to Task on 'First Take' For Kawhi Leonard Support
By Liam McKeone

Max Kellerman has spent a good amount of his time on First Take this basketball season arguing the virtues of Kawhi Leonard. Kellerman never backed down from his belief that Leonard is the best player in the NBA and should be in the GOAT conversation when it's all said and done. He stood his ground in the face of Stephen A. Smith's emphatic monologues, a feat that Kellerman probably isn't given enough credit for.
But the chickens came to roost on Wednesday, 12 hours after Kellerman's man lost to the Denver Nuggets in Game 7. It was an epic collapse by the Los Angeles Clippers, proving they were far too hyped for a team with no notable accomplishments outside of Leonard as they folded under the pressure when it mattered most. Kellerman knew what was coming, and took it like a champ. Smith had the time of his life.
To put it simply, it was an evisceration on live television the likes of which we haven't seen ... Well, since Bam Adebayo sent Jayson Tatum to the shadow realm with a game-winning block just before the Clippers collapsed.
— Complex Sports (@ComplexSports) September 16, 2020
What an excellent Stephen A. rant. He kicked it off last night by saying the Clippers wet the bed and probably didn't sleep while plotting out exactly how he was going to verbally berate Kellerman today. The man is dedicated, if anything.
This is the best thing that could have happened as far as it pertains to the content. The Clippers will provide talk show fodder until next season starts. And they deserve every bit of the criticism being sent their way.