Stephen A. Smith Ripped Will Smith For Slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars

Will Smith and Chris Rock created one of the craziest moments in television history Sunday night, with Smith walked on stage and slapped Rock in the face. The comedian had made a joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith and her husband was not amused and expressed his displeasure through violence. The night got even weirder when Smith won the Oscar for Best Actor for portraying Richard Williams in King Richard.
Everyone had a take on the situation, even the take-master himself, Stephen A. Smith. The ESPN star weighed in on the situation with a series of tweets. He couldn't believe what he'd seen and blasted Smith for his actions.
Please tell me I didn’t see what I just saw. Somebody please tell me that @willsmith was joking and it was part of the show when he just smacked @chrisrock on National Television. I’m begging y’all….please don’t tell me @willsmith would do something like that???
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) March 28, 2022
If @willsmith seriously did that — and he wins the OSCAR — he just stained the greatest moment of his career. You cannot do that S$&@!!Especially as a BLACK MAN, in that position, to ANOTHER BLACK MAN(@chrisrock) on THAT STAGE. If this was not a joke, Will won’t live this down!!!
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) March 28, 2022
I just saw the RAW footage. @willsmith should be ashamed of his damn self. It was a G.I. Jane joke. Total B.S. If it were @TheRock or someone like that instead of @chrisrock would he have done that shit!
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) March 28, 2022
Total BS by @willsmith. If his night is ruined because of this he deserves it. The man has Denzel & Bradley Cooper trying to calm him down. For what? A joke about his wife in G.I. Joe? Come on! The shit was embarrassing! A very very bad look! Love Will. But not after this B.S.
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) March 28, 2022
Didn’t know until just this moment about @jadapsmith having Alopecia. She’s wonderful and great. So is @willsmith — which we all know. They’re both phenomenal. But you do NOT do what Will did in that setting. Go backstage and handle that shit if you must. Horrible look!
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) March 28, 2022
And, mind you, we haven’t really gotten to the point that Will Smith the first Oscars produced by a Black Man (@willpackerprods). I can’t believe this
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) March 28, 2022
Then Stephen A. weighed in with a video:
There’s no excuse for that, Will Smith.
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) March 28, 2022