Steve Nash's Crazy Ejection Has Become a Meme
By Liam McKeone

On Wednesday night, Steve Nash was ejected for the first time in his head coaching career. And it was well-deserved. After Giannis Antetokounmpo bulldozed Patty Mills with an elbow to the face and no foul was called, Nash ripped into the referees from the sideline for all of the Nets' following possession before he finally got a technical. After that, Nash lost his mind. He had to be held back by his players and assistant coaches as he screamed until he was ejected.
One particular frame of his meltdown has become a meme: Nash's crazy eyes, when he appeared to flip the switch and decided that an ejection was necessary for his impact to be felt.
This was Steve Nash’s third time being ejected from an NBA game — 2 as a player and this was his first as a coach.
— Chris Milholen (@CMilholenSB) October 27, 2022
By the way, I loved this showing of emotions from Nash.
Here are some of those memes.
All the stress from coaching Ben Simmons has caught up on Steve Nash
— NBA Memes (@NBAMemes) October 27, 2022
Steve Nash was so into the Halloween spirit that he turned himself into Satan tonight
— 🦌🏆💍 (@SnellSZN) October 27, 2022
i knew i had seen that steve nash face before
— Fastbreak Breakfast (@fastbreakbreak) October 27, 2022
Steve Nash is good for a classic crazy eyes pic once a decade 👀
— Taco Trey Kerby (@treykerby) October 27, 2022
Don’t lie. If you woke up in the middle of the night and saw Angry Steve Nash, you’d be pretty scared.
— 🖤🤎🖤🤎 (@JonnyTheRuss) October 27, 2022
If Steve Nash ever saw me in person
— Quigs (@BigSeanQ_) October 27, 2022
It was quite shocking to see the even-keeled coach go apocalyptic like that and it didn't really inspire his team as the Nets ultimately lost to the Bucks by 11. But it's still very early in the year. Nash is playing the long game. His players loved it and that's really what matters.