Syd McGee from 'Dream Home Makeover' Is Not a Bucket
By Kyle Koster

Dream Home Makeover is a delightful little show on Netflix in which Shea and Syd McGee go around working their magic in other people's homes. It is the perfect palate cleanser after a full day of watching from afar as people angrily attack each other online and possibly joining into the madness oneself. There's something so special and authentic in watching someone see their home become even more delightful than they've ever imagined with artful touches and tasteful decisions this entirely pleasant and seemingly all-around wonderful couple provides.
So it is not my intention to poke too much fun at Syd. But his performance at the end of the second season's premiere episode was absurdist theater. Having put the final touches on a job for former BYU guard Travis Hansen (nicknamed Elder 8 Mile for his resemblance to Eminem), the triumphant artist took the opportunity to get a few shots up in an enormous personal gym embossed with the Real Madrid logo.
It did not go well.
Extreme Home Missover
— Kyle Koster (@KyleKoster) January 1, 2021
We haven't seen shooting like this since Jesse Katsopolis. Perhaps it was a clever homage. If so, have some mercy.
Credit to McGee for allowing this to make the final cut. A less confident person would have insisted all copies of the footage be burned, then buried, then dug up, then burned again, then run over with a old Soviet tank. Would that we could all be so secure.