Tacko Fall Made an Ugly 3-Point Shot And People Are HYPED

Celtics center Tacko Fall.
Celtics center Tacko Fall. / Omar Rawlings/Getty Images

Tacko Fall has become something of a cult figure in the NBA despite scoring 19 total points in his career thus far. The height, of course, is the big draw. It's impossible to ignore a 7-foot-5 man, especially when he's interviewed by a 4-foot-11 person. But it's his lighthearted personality that plays the biggest role in fans' infatuation with him. Like Shaq, he's not only an oversized human, he's also an oversized kid at heart. So Tacko, if you read this, have some fun and admit this shot of yours is terrible.

Tacko Tatum really says it all. Danny Ainge knows Tacko developing a 3-point shot is a joke, so why not have fun with it?

First of all, that step back is a travel. Even Tim Donaghy would have had no choice but to call it.

Second, despite being 7-foot-5, by dropping his hands that low, he's making the shot easily blockable. In the NBA, that would have been sent into the 10th row. You also can't replicate that shooting form. So yeah, Tacko Fall turning into Dirk Nowitzki ain't happening. Only, don't tell that to the Tacko fans out there.

Obviously this is all in good fun. No one actually expects Fall to become a threat from deep. But the fact that a guy who played in nearly five times as many G-League games as NBA games last year is getting this much attention for an ugly shot says a lot about how much people love Fall.