Tampa Bay Loses on 10 Second Runoff After Mike Evans Injury, But Did Whistle First Blow
By Jason Lisk

Tampa Bay lost the game as a result of a 10 second runoff, after a completed pass to the edge of field goal territory trailing by 2 points, in which Mike Evans took a big hit. At 16 seconds left, he caught the pass, then tried to get to his feet and collapsed back down to his knees.
The whistles blew, and then the clock came to a stop at 8 seconds. The 10 second runoff rule, which prevents teams from stopping the clock by potentially feigning an injury, resulted in the game being declared over by referee Jeff Triplette.
When did the whistle blow, though? Watch the above and listen. It is right before the clock ticks from 11 to 10, and over 2 seconds more ran off. Would they have determined that there was 11 when the whistle first sounded if they had reviewed? It certainly would not have been 8.
Without the injury, Tampa looks like they are going to get the spike in time. With it, they get the runoff. However, if they would have checked the clock, Tampa might have had a second. Keep in mind that the clock would restart on the whistle, but they would have had time to get Evans off and ready to play. No time for a spike, but maybe for one last desperation snap.
As it is, game over.