TEBOW TIME: Full Highlights of the Debut of Philadelphia's Newest Quarterback
By Rob Perez

Tim Tebow made his Philadelphia Eagles preseason debut today vs. the Indianapolis Colts, and — you know what? He didn’t start out so bad!
" pic.twitter.com/yFaotKjZI6 — Rob Perez (@WobLive) August 16, 2015 "
" pic.twitter.com/E4P2uyaGNk — Rob Perez (@WobLive) August 16, 2015 "
But then, as always: Tebow gonna Tebow…
…and in true Tebow fashion: HE SOMEHOW SCORES!
We only got to see him for a quarter and a half, but, I think I speak for everyone when I say today was the FULL #TimTebowExperience.