The 'Highly Questionable' Reboot Looks Great
By Kyle Koster

21 Savage and Donald Glover just dropped a trailer for American Dream: The 21 Savage Story. We're still a bit unclear as to when the biopic will drop beyond the promise of "coming soon." At 4 minutes and 19 seconds long and with plenty of style to spare, it's a standalone work of art on its own and that should portend good things for the full-length feature. But that's not what's most important right now. What's most important comes at the 2:47-mark.
Wait a minute. That looks familiar. Three fellas who look like that sitting at a table like that in front of palm trees like that with a lower corner graphic that looks like that? By god, that's Highly Questionable's music!
We cannot wait to see how this could possibly fit into the movie. Hundred percent chance it's gold. As for the casting, they really knocked Dan Le Batard out of the park. Perfect, no notes. The person playing Papi Le Batard, however, is a bit Colonel Sanders-y. And the Bomani Jones character ... well ... I don't think Bomani would wear that shirt. But no matter. The sight gag has already delivered a big laugh and we didn't even get to hear them say anything.
Huge potential here.