The Mystery of Rex Ryan's Sudden Weight Gain Explained: Blame Rob
By Tully Corcoran
A while back, the New York media noticed that Buffalo Bills coach Rex Ryan seemed like he’d put on a few pounds since his brother, Rob, had joined him on the Bills staff.
Pressed on the matter, Ryan admitted he’d added 30 pounds in short order. But why?
The New York Post has tracked it down:
"Ryan revealed to The Post on Monday that he had an arthroscopic procedure to remove the device that restricts food and beverage consumption and, as a result, has gained about 30 pounds back. He said he did it as a show of support to Rob, who did not have a good experience with the Lap Band and had his removed. "
It has been quite a saga with the Ryans and their weight. Rex used to weigh 348 pounds. Then he got the lap band, which restricts the amount of food you can fit into your stomach, and the weight just started falling off. He was down to 218 at one point. He added another 30 pounds last offseason, and you figured that was the end of it, then Rob joined him in Buffalo and Rex started filling out again.
It was all in brotherly solidarity.
"“I told him, we’ll figure this out together (without the Lap Band),’’ Ryan said. “Plus, I won more games without it than did with it in.’’"
And with that, a new sports superstition enters the zeitgeist.