They Should Let Scottie Pippen and Some Other Supporting Cast Members Remake 'The Last Dance'

During a very dark, sportsless time in America earlier this year, Michael Jordan was there for us and it was comforting. ESPN pushed up the release of the sports television series of 2020 and people devoured it. As great and popular as it was, it wasn't perfect and it dealt in a little revisionist history that skewed heavily towards the antagonizing protagonist. Earlier this year, Horace Grant and Sam Smith questioned the doc's accuracy. Now, it's Scottie Pippen. Via The Guardian:
"I don’t think it was that accurate in terms of really defining what was accomplished in one of the greatest eras of basketball, but also by two of the greatest players – and one could even put that aside and say the greatest team of all time. I didn’t think those things stood out in the documentary. I thought it was more about Michael trying to uplift himself and to be glorified [the series was co-produced by Jordan’s Jump 23 company]. I think it also backfired to some degree in that people got a chance to see what kind of personality Michael had."
It also sounds like he and Jordan talked about it - very briefly - and Jordan agreed.
"I told him I wasn’t too pleased with it. He accepted it. He said, “hey, you’re right”. That was pretty much it."
Well, if Jordan agrees, then I think it's time to release the Pippen Cut. And by release, I mean make. Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant, Scott Burrell, Tony Kukoc, Brad Daugherty and the late 80s Detroit Pistons need to put together a production company, go through all million hours of footage and interviews and put together a completely new 10-hour documentary. You know, start from scratch. Find out what happens when people stop listening to Jordan's production company and start being real.
I'm sure they could even convince Jordan to sit down for a few more interviews, simply by showing himself clips of himself talking about himself. There's just no way that he wouldn't see some of those clips from the first documentary and not think Michael Jordan was slighting Michael Jordan. Jordan laughing at the Internet's reaction to laughing Jordan alone would be worth it.
That same footage from a different, less Michael-centric perspective would be very interesting. Half of it could just be people saying how much they despised Jordan cut together with footage of him dropping 50 over and over. People would watch this. And not just because there's nothing else on.