Funniest Tweets About Tim Tebow's NFL Comeback Attempt

Tim Tebow laughing.
Tim Tebow laughing. / Jeff Gross/Getty Images

Tim Tebow hasn't played in an NFL game in over nine years, but he turned to an old friend for a second chance at a second position and was given the opportunity to showcase his, um, ability because it's not about what you know but who you know.

Ah yes, the classic Tebow-Urban Meyer connection. Of course Meyer couldn't refuse his guy's request to show off how dominant a tight end he can be in the NFL, even though Tebow's never played the position before. They're bros, and bros before common sense, as the saying goes.

So Tebow is attempting an NFL comeback at tight end after his MLB dreams with the Mets never reached Queens and Meyer gave him an individual pro day in front of his staff to kick start things. Fun story that likely amounts to nothing other than some funny jokes on the internet.

Speaking of which...

I don't think Trevor Lawrence has much to worry about. In fact, he should be excited. Just think of the possibilities.

Ah to dream, to love, to remember what once was the greatest haircut of the decade.

The news is truly making everyone do a double take.

Or reach for some Pepto.

Or turn to the GOAT for content.

Because my lord, what if this actually happened?

Just kidding. It won't. But man does Tebow still drive attention. And funny jokes. Good times.