Clean-Shaven Travis Kelce Is a Trip
By Kyle Koster

Travis Kelce is one of the most productive tight ends in football. He's also one of its most productive bachelors, having parlayed his good looks into a star turn in a reality show before finding himself a steady girlfriend. That's what we call a dual threat, folks.
His ascension to A-list NFL star has come against a backdrop of neatly manicured facial hair. So much so that it's tough to find pictures of him with a smooth face under our subscription service. Most of the stills show a man confident in his goatee.
Kelce has now decided to tell a different story with his face at Chiefs training camp. Below is a three-slide presentation showing the transformation from scruff to mustache to baby face. It's quite a journey.
And here is the final stage of the metamorphosis.
#traviskelce looks he sells John Deere tractors
— Mr.Waters (@MrWaters__) August 17, 2021
... Who is that?
People are chronically over-exaggerating just how different people look with or without facial hair but in this case it's really is quite jarring. Unsettlingly so even.
Kelce seems to have heard the feedback — that all this is superweird — and has a plan to address it.
— Travis Kelce (@tkelce) August 17, 2021
Here's hoping the beard is back sooner rather than later. This country needs normalcy now more than ever.