Trey Wingo Keeps ESPN Exit Classy

Trey Wingo's distinguished career at ESPN ended in unceremonious fashion, which isn't exactly fair for a man who became the face of the network's NFL Draft coverage and their top NFL studio host. But while his drawn-out exit from Bristol didn't include any touching tributes or a final on-air farewell, Wingo, to no one's surprise, kept his goodbyes classy upon news leaking that yesterday was his last day with ESPN after 20 years and his former co-workers began posting touching tributes.
Let me just say that no one.. no one..could ever ask for a better boss than @tunasweasel . I hope that everyone at some point gets as lucky as I was to have him as a boss, mentor, confidant and friend. And for that.. I am eternally grateful
— trey wingo (@wingoz) November 26, 2020
Thanks for helping on the ride . Chap said later “ Dad what are you doing? Jeff and I were pointing out blitz pickup” ?
— trey wingo (@wingoz) November 26, 2020
Maui by far the best part of all of this Mahalo Nui Loa my friend
— trey wingo (@wingoz) November 26, 2020
That Chick-Fil-A saved me that day... I owe you
— trey wingo (@wingoz) November 26, 2020
Well this was unexpected
— trey wingo (@wingoz) November 26, 2020
Well this was unexpected
— trey wingo (@wingoz) November 26, 2020
There are many, many more, but we'll leave it there for the sake of time.
Wingo's contract with ESPN expired and wasn't renewed by ESPN. It's part of ESPN's cost-cutting efforts, which included massive layoffs a few weeks ago. Wingo's exit wasn't a surprise, however. Andrew Marchand reported in September that Wingo was being let go by ESPN after he expressed a desire to get off morning radio (he hosted “Golic & Wingo” for ESPN Radio) and ESPN couldn't find a place for their long-time NFL lead. Two months later and it became official.
Wingo joined ESPN in 1997 and established himself nationally as the host of ESPN's NFL Draft coverage. It's a tough task setting up dozens of different analysts and interviewers for three straight days discussing hundreds of prospects on live TV, but Wingo was always up to the challenge. He also became the host of "NFL Live" but ESPN blocked a return to that program with Laura Rutledge now the host.
Wingo hasn't detailed what he plans on doing next (besides play golf and enjoy life). Marchand also reported he reached out to the NFL Network about a role, but there wasn't mutual interest. Regardless of his next stop, Wingo made sure his exit from ESPN was classy, though also bittersweet.