Tucker Carlson Amazed By the Shopping Carts at Russian Grocery Store

Former President Trump Addresses The Turning Points Action Conference In West Palm Beach, California
Former President Trump Addresses The Turning Points Action Conference In West Palm Beach, California / Joe Raedle/GettyImages

Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, has died in prison at the age of 47. Navalny, who previously survived a poisoning, recently disappeared before he showed up again in a remote Russian prison in the Arctic Circle. No cause of death has been released.

In other news, former FOX News host and current Twitter personality, Tucker Carlson recently traveled to Russia to interview Vladimir Putin. During his visit he took the opportunity to see the sights in Russia and was blown away. Here's a clip of Carlson being amazed that a grocery store has that thing where you put a coin in and you get a shopping cart and then when you return the shopping cart, you get your coin back.

Truly amazing. You definitely don't see something like that at Aldi.

With stuff like this its no surprise that Carlson gushed about how Moscow was "so much nicer than any city in my country." And yet... despite all the nice things that Carlson has said about his trip to Russia, he still managed to leave the Russian President unimpressed. Putin is notoriously unforgiving like that.