Twitter Went Nuts For Cam Newton's Post-Game Outfit

Cam Newton led the Carolina Panthers to a 46-27 win over the San Francisco 49ers. After the game he showed up at the post-game press conference in an all-time great outfit.
An EXTREMELY dapper Cam Newton is at the podium
— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) September 18, 2016
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Instantly all I could think of was:
Apparently I wasn’t the only person who expected Cam to sell me a monorail.
Cam Newton: For sale, one monorail, never used.
— Luke O'Neil (@lukeoneil47) September 18, 2016
Throws touchdowns, sells monorails.
— Kevin Clark (@bykevinclark) September 18, 2016
"It's really more of a Shelbyville idea"
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) September 18, 2016
That’s not where it ended though:
holy crap Cam Newton is Peyton Manning in the ad where he doesn't have DirecTV
— Rodger Sherman (@rodger) September 18, 2016
When your a baseball player in the 1910s & ppl tell u that u could learn alot about how2 conduct urself from Ty Cobb
— PFTCommenter(DC DEFENDERS2-0) (@PFTCommenter) September 18, 2016
I don't know what's going on here but I suddenly need this hat?
— Dillon Cheverere (@DCheverere) September 18, 2016
Cam Newton looking like he about to start the @originalnathans hot dog eating contest...WHERE DO I FIND THIS HAT?!
— Steven Albritton (@StevenAlbritton) September 18, 2016
Cam really showed up to the game dressed like the WB Frog. He must've seen @DragonflyJonez's tweet.
— Special Interest Group (@ReverendDrDash) September 18, 2016
Cam would've been a big hit on the floor of the political conventions with this hat
— Kirk Your Enthusiasm (@KirkSeriousFace) September 18, 2016
I don’t care what they say, you keep doing you Cam, stupid hats and all.