Tyson Chandler Swatted a Marreese Speights Shoe Into the Stands (On a Pass From Stephen Curry)

NBA players losing their shoes is a proud tradition. Sometimes they hit important shots without a sneaker. Sometimes they throw the shoe as a defensive tactic. Sometimes an opponent throws it out of bounds. I thought we had seen it all. Then this happened.
Marreese Speights lost a shoe and Stephen Curry threw it out of the way. On the next trip down the court, Curry picked up the shoe and tried to toss it to a trailing Speights. Then Tyson Chandler came flying out of nowhere to swat the shoe into the stands. It was the kind of play that may finally force the NBA to rewrite the rule book.
RELATED: Michael Kidd-Gilchrist Went Coast-to-Coast, Lost a Sneaker, Scored, And One! [Video]