What Will the Future of NFL Fandom Look Like?
By Jason Lisk
- The Jets are the favorite team of the father in The Wizards of Waverly Place, his current favorite show; and
- They wear green, his favorite color.
That’s it. I’ve got less influence than a father on a fictional Disney show. Marred by the home town team not having anything approaching a winning season since he entered pre-school, my son has also had a preference for the Miami Dolphins (for obvious reasons for a young boy into animals) and the Carolina Panthers (ditto). I say this only half in jest: if I were running a team that had very little national appeal, I would consider changing my mascot to the T-Rexes. In twenty years, the T-Rexes might own the male age 25-34 demographic.
All of this instant access and ability to find lots of information and be connected to any team, and to watch any team, makes me wonder what the future of the NFL fan base will look like. Geography will still be the primary factor, but how much less of a factor will it be compared to the past? Sports fans have some of the best brand loyalty of any product. If your favorite restaurant does away with your favorite meal and moves in a different direction with the look and feel of the restaurant, I’m guessing you wouldn’t complain and whine all week but then go back on Sunday for lunch every week. You would take your business to a different restaurant that better fit what you preferred. This is normal consumer behavior, but is certainly not the norm for football fans, as we stick with our teams despite all evidence pointing to it being a poorly run business. Will teams be able to rely on such fan loyalty in the future? The internet has created a global community, and the smart organization will realize they have to focus their efforts outside of the immediate geographic region. Getting mentioned in a popular kid’s show wouldn’t hurt, either. [Photos via Getty]