Which of Kate Mara's Ex-Boyfriends Dented a Giants Super Bowl Trophy?

The Pittsburgh Steelers and New York Giants will play this Sunday for the first time since 2012. The matchup pits the Mara family against each other every few years as Kate Mara explained on Conan O’Brien on Monday night. She also shared a story about a British ex-boyfriend who dropped and dented the Super Bowl trophy when he kicked it with a steel-toed boot.
That boyfriend was probably Max Minghella, who dated Mara from 2010 to 2014. That would have given him a chance to kick the trophy from Super Bowl XLVI.
I’d also like to hear more about the time someone sat through an entire season of Giants games in a single day just so he’d be able to make small talk with his girlfriend’s family. Kate Mara is obviously the key to raising the NFL’s popularity in England.