Washington Redskins Name Change is One Step Closer to Happening
By Jason McIntyre

The Washington Redskins will eventually change their name, it seems, regardless of whether or not owner Dan Synder wants to. Are you ready for – maybe – something like the Washington Bravehearts? According to the New York Times, over four dozen Senators are urging the NFL to take action and get rid of ‘Redskins’:
"Fifty members of the Senate have signed a letter to the N.F.L. to urge its leadership to press the Washington Redskins to change the team name in the aftermath of tough sanctions against the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers for racially charged comments. The position embraced by half of the Senate, and the willingness of the lawmakers to sign a formal request to Commissioner Roger Goodell, escalated the fight over the name and represented an effort to put increasing pressure on the league, which receives a federal tax break, and the ownership of the team."
Dan Snyder will probably avoid a response – he’s awfully good at that – or trot out his standard line: The American Indians don’t care! We’re honoring them!
Back in October, Snyder met with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell about the name change. Think they’ll have another meeting this summer? I’ll set the over/under on the name change for … March 1, 2015. [via NYT]
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