Jim Harbaugh and His Wife Did a Dockers "PSA" to Stop "Dad Pants"


“Dad pants” is the male equivalent to “mom jeans.” At least that’s what Jim Harbaugh’s wife, Sarah Harbaugh will tell you in the above PSA for Dockers. We’ve known for a while that Harbaugh loves his pleated khakis and now he is getting paid to wear Docker’s. So much for wasting $8 a pop to pace up and down the sidelines like a bargain-loving maniac. The only problem is that without dad pants, his daughter no longer recognizes him. Though Sarah’s renewed interest seems worth it.

RELATED: Jim Harbaugh’s Game-Worn Pleated Khakis Are Sold in the 49ers Store
RELATED: Jim Harbaugh Only Has One Outfit, Wore $8 Khakis to Yell at the Kansas Basketball Team
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