Hope Solo Allegedly Hit Her Nephew Before He Pulled a BB Gun On Her, Hit Her With a Broomstick

Hope Solo was arrested over the weekend on domestic violence charges. Today TMZ obtained some details of the incident and they are as colorful as you imagined. Allegedly, Solo came to her sister’s house drunk complaining of missing a flight. She thought that the 17-year old was “talking smack about her” so she told him he was “too fat and crazy” to be a professional athlete. From TMZ:
"The boy says he walked into another room — but Hope followed and “called me a p**sy because I called my mom.” “I then told her to get her c*nt face out of my house,” the boy said to police. That’s when allegedly Hope went on the attack — grabbing the boy’s hair and repeatedly punching him."
That’s when he got a BB gun and pointed it at her. Solo left after he called the cops, but came back and ended up attacking her sister. That’s when he started hitting Solo with a broom stick. In court this morning, Solo claimed she was the victim.
RELATED: Hope Solo Arrested On Domestic Violence Charges: Allegedly Struck Her Sister and Nephew at a Party
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