A-Rod Arrives at Yankees Camp, Reporters Document Moment via Blurry Cell Phone Pictures


Spring Training 2015 can officially commence now that Alex Rodriguez arrived at the Yankees complex in Tampa, Fla., to take a physical. The New York media documented this important event with a series of cell phone pictures of varying quality.

As always photography, especially on a moving target, remains a difficult skill.

Anyways, here’s two free tips for anyone stuck with the awful plumb assignment of documenting every single move by A-Rod in Spring Training. One: pace yourself, it’s a long month and those daily, hilarious back page headlines don’t write themselves. Just think, A-Rod might sneeze and or spit sunflower seeds in the direction of a teammate.

Two: feel free to browse this list from CNET for the best cell phone cameras from 2015. Much of Spring Training is nothing more than players standing around, often providing fodder for fans to wonder if a player gained or lost weight in the offseason. Nobody wants to see blurry photos like Aaron tried to show Rick and the Gang on The Walking Dead last night.

What a time to be alive:

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