Young Astro Fan Gives Perfect Foul Ball Etiquette Lesson


Thousands of ball falls are hit during the course of the 30-team, 162-game Major League Baseball season. True these balls make for fine souvenirs if and when you make a trip to the ballpark, but they are hardly a life or death matter. Even so, you see posts on sites like this of people showing off the darker side of humanity — fighting, dropping their children, losing their dignity etc. — in order to obtain a foul ball.

That’s why baseball should consider showing this clip from an Astros game earlier this week at every ballpark. A kid lands a foul ball and, amazingly, decides to give it to a younger fan in attendance.

It’s just a ball.

RELATED: Slick Kid Pulls Foul Ball Switcheroo on Older Girls at Rangers Game
RELATED: Little Kid Gives Foul Ball to Little Girl Sitting Behind Him, Gets an In-Game Interview