Steph Curry Says He Wasn't Mocking Lebron In Wedding Video


Recently, Stephen Curry, Kyrie Irving and a bunch of other people attended a wedding and had what appeared to be a pretty good time. It included a moment, captured on video, wherein Curry and Irving imitated a well-known LeBron James workout video.

This was of interest for multiple reasons, not the least of which is that Irving and James are on the outs.

Because this is the NBA, that video was the subject of much rumor and speculation, and Curry now is telling The Athletic that, however it looks, Lebron is not being mocked in that video.

"“I’ve been watching that video twice a day since it happened because its my favorite video in the entire world. He made a song popular by making a video. And that lives. So now every time I hear that song, that’s all I think about. And I’ve been doing that dance because of him, at my house, at dinner. When something good happens, I pull that out, because I like it and it makes me laugh and it makes me happy. Not making fun of him.”"

So there you have it. Nothing to see here, except this video, one more time.