Soccer Star David Beckham Going Undercover For H&M During Super Bowl XLVI
By BigLeadSports

Beckham recently signed a creative and endorsement deal with H&M, which plans to use him across all media to promote the company and its David Beckham Bodywear brand. H&M said that the collection was “designed by David’s in-house team” and includes underwear, pajamas and long johns for men and women.
H&M said the David Beckham Bodywear spot, created in-house by H&M, would run during the second quarter of the game Thirty-second commercials during Super Bowl XLVI on Feb. 5 on NBC were going for upward of $3.5 million, according to industry analysts.
“We’re always looking for new ways to surprise and delight our customers, and we see this as a unique opportunity to reach millions of fans and H&M customers,” Steve Lubomski, director of marketing for H&M North America, said in a statement.
According to Lubomski, “David Beckham is a true style icon and one of the most decorated soccer players of all time. We’re thrilled with this campaign and excited to captivate viewers’ attention during the Super Bowl, the biggest stage in the world to unveil our ad campaign.”
Big Lead Sports coverage of Super Bowl XLVI continues here.