Mario Balotelli Admitted Affair With Prostitute Linked to Wayne Rooney
By Ty Duffy

The lady in question who purportedly put on her red light is Jenny Thompson, who claimed “Tabloid Wayne” paid her $1,900 per encounter while his wife was pregnant. The scandal broke just before the 2010 World Cup.
Now that the news is out, Balotelli hopes to focus his liberated conscience on soccer.
"‘Recently, I admit, I have been troubled – because of this story, but not only. My natural parents in some interviews have been disrespectful to my family. ‘Now that this weight has been lifted, I am certain that I will find the positive energy to make the best run for the title with Manchester City, and prepare in the best way for the European Championship.’"
Both club and country will wish he had decided to do that before April.
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