Rob Gronkowski Might Just Be a Jerk


Rob Gronkowski’s lovable bro shtick can officially be put to rest. He’s no longer just some goofy football savant. After Sunday he’s just dirty and dumb. He shouldn’t fool anyone after his malicious and dirty cheap shot on a defenseless opponent. Here’s Gronk trying his best to keep a straight face while apologizing… to reporters.

Nice job working a few verbs in between the word “frustration.” And here is the extremely contrite and frustrated Gronkowski leaving the field after the game. That’s a bro who feels real bad about what he did.

Just so frustrating winning a game by 20 and catching 9 passes for 147 yards. Frustrating. Emotions. Maybe Gronkowski was never the charming oaf he portrayed. Gronkowski sounded like a jerk at the David Ortiz roast last summer. Maybe that’s just who he is.