Notre Dame is Really Going to Wear These Uniforms, Huh?


Back in August, Notre Dameannounced plans to wear New York Yankees-themed uniforms for the Syracuse game in the Bronx.  Most people laying eyes on them for the first time were horrified, some likely retched in revulsion. Those able to keep their senses made jokes. It was an issue for another day. The game wasn’t for three months and surely the Irish would come to their senses and abandon this look for their own sake.

But, against everyone’s better judgement, Notre Dame is going through with it. Like George Costanza driving out to a non-existent place in the Hamptons, they refuse to back down. They’re wearing these things tomorrow night at Yankee Stadium.


At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a uniform so universally reviled. There haven’t even been any contrarian thinkpieces about the excellence of pinstripe pants. Truly amazing for the internet in 2018.

Honestly, at this point, I’m not even mad. This is an impressive commitment to the bit. Notre Dame knows how silly they’re going to look and will do it anyway. That deserves a certain type of respect.