Tony Romo Doesn't Always Predict Plays, But When He Does He Gets Over Two-Thirds Right

Tony Romo put on a virtuoso performance in the AFC Title game, seemingly calling all the Patriots plays correctly before they happened. How often did he do this during the season, one may wonder, before concluding that this would be too time-exhausting an exercise to adjudicate. Not so fast! Ben Cohen and Andrew Beaton of the Wall Street Journal got after it:
"He made a total of 72 predictions on air this season. But one thing he couldn’t predict: his own accuracy. Romo lowballed that he was right 21% of the time. He was wrong about that. His actual hit rate was 68%, according to the Journal’s calculations."
Thousands of people have made a variation of the joke that if Romo could read defenses like this when he was a player he wouldn’t be in the booth yet, though it should be noted that he retired due to injuries as opposed to ineffectiveness (but one could then extend the joke to include pass rush prognostication).
Anyways, the world will be watching with strong anticipation to see what Romo’s batting average will be in the Super Bowl.