J.T. Barrett Arrested for Operating Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated
By Jason Lisk

J.T. Barrett was arrested early this morning on a charge of O.V.I.–operating a Motor Vehicle while Intoxicated, according to Eleven Warriors. Barrett was arrested after reportedly attempting to avoid a sobriety checkpoint near campus. He was given a breathalyzer test and registered just over the .08 legal limit, according to Eleven Warriors.
This is a developing situation, and we will update with what, if anything, comes out of Ohio State in regard to Barrett.
[Update #1: Under the Ohio State Student-Athlete Drug & Alcohol Testing Program, an alcohol-related offense can constitute a first offense under the policy. If it is Barrett’s first offense (i.e., he has no other positive tests in his time with the program), then there will be no suspension. If he had a prior positive drug test at any point, then this would be a second offense that would result in a 2-week suspension.
Update #2: Barrett doesn’t turn 21 until January, so he is underage. That automatically qualifies as a second offense under the policy. Thus, Barrett should be subject to a 2-week suspension under this policy.]
Related: Police Called to J.T. Barrett’s Apartment over Domestic Disturbance