Jeopardy Uses Ice Cube Song for Question, It Was Indeed a Good Day


A thunderous standing ovation to the Jeopardy staff is in order for using lyrics from Ice Cube’s “It Was a Good Day” for a question Wednesday night. Important note: If you’re unable to answer the question, please put yourself in the camel clutch. Sadly, the Lakers beat the Nets last night, not the SuperSonics.

Ice Cube quickly caught wind of the shoutout on Twitter and seemed to enjoy it, as evidenced by the accompanying “LOL.” I think we can all agree that Ice Cube should never, ever type “LOL.” It’s like DMX using a smiley emoticon.

What we really need now is the footage of Alex Trebek actually reading this question. For the time being, we will have to settle for reciting it aloud in Alex Trebek voice.

UPDATE: It has arrived (thanks, Joboo):

[via @IceCube]

Previously: January 20th, 1992 is the Exact Date of Ice Cube’s “It Was A Good Day”
Previously: Ice Cube Said “F— Dwight Howard,”, Referred to Him as “Dwight Coward”