Jonathan Martin Took a Shot at LeBron Cramping: 'C'mon bruh ... get out there'


LeBron cramped up in the 4th quarter, had to leave the game, and Miami succumbed to the San Antonio heat and lost Game One to the Spurs, 110-95. When LeBron left the game with debilitating cramps with 7:31 left, the Heat led by two; San Antonio quickly caught fire and peeled off a 26-9 run.

I made the wise decision to avoid twitter last night during the game (read this and you’ll want to take time off twitter, too), so I missed the clown show of keyboard tough guys taking jabs at LeBron for cramping up. We get it – if you’ve never played sports, you have no clue what it’s like to cramp up; if you have played, then you definitely know.

Professional athletes know better.

You would think.

Of all the people who took shots at LeBron during the 4th quarter, Jonathan Martin was one of them. Yes, that Jonathan Martin, the quitter who abandoned his Miami Dolphins teammates because he was being bullied.

The only thing that’s missing from his tweet is “Man up” or some such asshatery. Martin has since deleted the tweet.

Related: Jonathan Martin’s Texts to His Mom and Dad Will Break Your Heart
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