Should the NFL Fine Colin Kaepernick Even More For Lying?


Colin Kaepernick has been fined $11,025 by the NFL for inappropriate language directed at Chicago’s Lamarr Houston. Since the incident, both Kaepernick and Houston have downplayed whatever was said. According to the Chicago Tribune, Houston, “didn’t hear anything.” Kaepernick is using this as his basis to appeal his fine. Via ESPN:

"“The player that I supposedly said something to has been quoted saying I didn’t say anything,” Kaepernick said. “And I don’t know him, so it’s not like he would have a reason to just randomly stick up for me.”"

The only problem is, we can see Kaepernick saying something. He’s lying as he appeals a fine handed down by the NFL during the most tumultuous time in league history. What is Roger Goodell supposed to do? Allow Kaepernick to lie to him in front of the media?

This is clearly “conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity and reputation of the NFL, NFL clubs and NFL players.” It’s right there in the Personal Conduct Policy. Hopefully, Commissioner Goodell comes out of hiding long enough to put his foot down and let players know that this sort of behavior is not alright. He has to make an example out of someone and it might as well be the guy with the tattoos and the crooked hats.


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